“I am grateful for the support to continue living an active life”

“I am grateful for the support to continue living an active life”

“I am grateful for the support to continue living an active life”

Tom is a first time research participant at the D2d site in Minnesota.

What D2d site are you associated with?
HealthPartners Research Foundation

Is this the first research study you’ve participated in? How has your experience been so far?
This is the first study I have been part of myself. And I have an appreciation for studies, during my academic training in public health. Thus far, have very much enjoyed working with Shelly Cook one of the nursing staff at the Health Partners, U of M, Fairview Campus here in Minneapolis and their support staff in the lab – My Hgb A1C has been borderline for several years, and just now turning 70, into my 8th decade, I am grateful for the support to continue living an active life and sharing in my enthusiasm for nutritious balance eating – My maternal grandfather, Harry Chappelear Glessner lived with late onset diabetes from his 60’s through his passing at age 88 in Ohio, and I am grateful to have this proactive educational approach to support positive lifestyle choices.

Did you feel informed about what was going to happen at your visit? Did the staff answer all your questions?
Yes, communication has been excellent, and I have a folder with educational materials for how to continue to follow up over the next weeks and months of the D2d program.

Did you enjoy reading this issue of the Participant Newsletter?
Happy to have it available!




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