D2d Study Registry

If you were a D2d participant, staying in touch is very important to us and you can do so by signing up with the D2d Registry if you have not done already. Through the Registry, we will provide information to you about future research opportunities related to the D2d study. If you are interested, please click below to sign up.  If you have signed up and would like to update your contact information, please also click below.

Signing up for the D2d Registry does not mean you are committing to any future research studies. It simply allows the D2d Coordinating Center at Tufts Medical Center to inform you about future follow-up studies to D2d that are currently being planned. Your information in the D2d Registry will be kept confidential. If you change your mind and would like to remove your name from the Registry, you can do so at any time by contacting us.